Mrs Celine Tang
Non-Executive Chairman
Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director
As the “Singapore Real Estate Personality of the Year for 2018” conferred by PropertyGuru, Mrs Tang is a veteran in the real estate industry. She ran SingHaiyi Group Pte Ltd as its Managing Director before retiring in March 2023. Guided by her vision and leadership, these companies developed some of the bestselling residential projects in Singapore, as well as numerous iconic landmarks that shaped the stunning city skylines of Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, and the United States. In addition to real estate, Mrs Tang possesses rich experience spanning pharmaceutical and commodities trading. She is a director of TauRx Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a Singapore firm dedicated to the discovery of treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and a leader in Alzheimer’s disease research. Mrs Tang also controls New Port Duty-Free Pte Ltd, the leading bonded provision supplier and ship chandler in Singapore. She also serves as the Non-Executive Chairman of OKH Global Ltd.
Possessing a strong belief in giving back to society, Mrs Tang has been actively sponsoring and donating to the local community, education, sports, and healthcare. The Tang family owns Aloha Sea Sports Center located in East Coast Park, all the profits are donated to the development of sailing in Singapore. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Tang family contributed to a fund which was specially set up to alleviate the cashflow issues of the local SMEs. Mrs Tang had served on the School Advisory Committee of West Spring Secondary School and Juying Secondary School for over a decade, offering her views on school improvements and sponsoring their activities and scholarships.
Mrs Tang graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature from China People’s University for Police Officers (now known as People’s Public Security University of China). She was the Assistant Judicial Officer of Shantou Longhu District Court in China before venturing into business.

Mr Chia Lee Meng Raymond PBM
Executive Director and
Group Chief Executive Officer
Mr Chia Lee Meng Raymond has helmed the role of Group Chief Executive Officer since February 2016. Mr Chia was also appointed Chief Executive Officer of SingHaiyi Group Pte Ltd in April 2023.
He is responsible for the Group’s overall operations, strategic planning, and investment decisions. Starting out as a project manager back in 1994, Mr Chia rose through the ranks and was appointed the Group’s Director the year Chip Eng Seng went public in 1999.
He served as Managing Director of the property development division in July 2006, before being appointed Group Chief Executive Officer in June 2007 and Executive Deputy Chairman in January 2013. On 5 May 2016, he was appointed as Executive Chairman of the Company. With effect from 11 October 2018, he was re-designated from Executive Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer to Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer.
Outside the Group, Mr Chia also served in various executive committees such as the School Advisory Committee (SAC) of Raffles Girls’ Primary School (2003 to 2018), Educare Co-operative (2004 to 2008), Chairman of Seacare Properties Pte Ltd (2003 to 2019) and Director of Seacare Holdings Pte Ltd (2006 to 2019); both companies being subsidiaries of Seacare Co-operative Ltd.
Mr Chia is currently President of The Singapore Scout Association and Board Member of Ren Ci Hospital. He is also a patron of the Nee Soon South Citizen’s’ Consultative Committee and a patron of Joo Chiat Community Club Management Committee.
Mr Chia was awarded The Public Service Stars BBM in 2022 for public service rendered to the nation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance from Curtin University, Australia, and a Master’s degree in Finance from RMIT University, Australia.

Mr Abdul Jabbar Bin Karam Din
Lead Independent Director
Mr Abdul Jabbar joined the Board on 2 February 2018 as an Independent Director, and was appointed as Lead Independent Director in April 2021. He chairs the Remuneration Committee and is a member of the Investment Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee. An Executive Committee Partner with Rajah and Tann Singapore LLP, Mr Jabbar heads the firm’s Corporate and Transactional Practice. He has more than 25 years’ extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, employment, banking and finance, general commercial and private client work, both local and international.
Mr Jabbar also advises companies on corporate governance, compliance and regulatory matters. He serves as company secretary on the boards of numerous private and public listed and unlisted companies as well as registered foreign companies with Singapore branches. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree.

Mr Lock Wai Han
Independent Director
Mr Lock Wai Han was appointed Independent Director of the Company on 11 October 2018. He is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Investment Committee. He is currently Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of SGX-listed company, OKH Global Ltd. From 1 November 2013 to 31 December 2015, Mr Lock was Executive Director and Group CEO of Rowsley Ltd. Between June 2011 and August 2013, he was based in Beijing as the China CEO of CapitaMalls Asia (“CMA”), where he had oversight of a retail mall portfolio that included Raffles City projects and CMA mixed developments. Before joining CMA in March 2010, he had served in the Singapore public sector for more than 20 years during which he held various leadership roles, including Commissioner of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, Director of the Criminal Investigations Department, and Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Information, Communications & the Arts, as well as directorships on various statutory boards.
Mr Lock holds Bachelor and Master of Arts (Engineering) degrees from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and a Master of Science (Management) degree from Leland Stanford Junior University, the United States.

Professor Low Teck Seng
Independent Director
Prof Low Teck Seng was appointed Independent Director of the Company on 12 December 2019. He chairs the Investment Committee and is a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee. He is currently the CEO of the National Research Foundation, Singapore. He also serves as an independent director with ExcelPoint Technology Ltd, and is a professor at the National University of Singapore. Prof Low holds a Bachelor of Science (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (First Class Honours) and a PhD from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He is a Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Engineers; Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers, United Kingdom.

Dr Neo Boon Siong
Independent Director
Dr Neo Boon Siong was appointed Independent Director of the Company on 12 December 2019. He chairs the Audit and Risk Committee and is a member of the Nominating Committee. He was the CANON Endowed Chair Professor of Business and twice served as Dean of the Nanyang Business School at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr Neo is currently a Director of St Luke’s Eldercare. He was previously the Chairman of the board of directors of k1 Ventures Ltd and served as Director of Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation Ltd, OCBC Bank, Great Eastern Holdings Ltd, OUE Hospitality Trust Ltd among several other companies. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) from National University of Singapore, Master of Business Administration and PhD from University of Pittsburgh, United States.